An altered version of Hanlon’s Razor
Have a bias for assuming good intent
Hanlon’s Razor is a principle in philosophy that advises us to, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
This is somewhat confusing and academic, but it essentially means we should give people the benefit of the doubt.
Let’s create a simpler version — “Have a bias for assuming good intent.”
This approaches people with optimism and empathy instead of divisiveness.
Assuming bad intent, without engaging in dialogue, creates division. And, division is the last thing we need right now. Our division in society has become so bad that we now have presidential campaigns advocating to “Heal the Divide.”
My wife exemplified this philosophy a few Sundays ago. We were at a football game and a fellow fan we’d been talking to sat down and left his hat on during the National Anthem.
My inclination was to assume malice or bad intent. Thankfully, my wife in all her grace immediately said, “he has his reasons.” Then, I quickly checked myself and applied Hanlon’s Razor. I began assuming good intent and thinking of all of the good reasons for his behavior.
Philosophy is difficult and so is practicing what you preach. It takes deliberate practice and constant reminders to get right.
Consider this a reminder or a philosophical seed. And, if you are already familiar with Hanlon’s Razor, consider this water and sunlight to grow your former seed.
Last but not least, beware of written communication the most. It’s inherently ambiguous. Every text, social media post, or coworker message, can send us down a rabbit hole of negative assumptions.
We have to remind ourselves that if we jumped on a call with this person immediately, they’d quickly dispel our negative assumptions.
So, by using this altered version of Hanlon’s razor, we begin to understand people instead of assuming.
It brings us together instead of setting us apart.