The Silent Majority
In every system, there is a silent majority. These people intuitively know what’s right or just, but aren’t able to articulate it. And if they are able to articulate it, then they may not be confident yet, or they fear what the outcome may be for speaking up.
Then, along comes a leader who is articulate and confident. Their popularity arises because they are speaking for those who are silent.
These people have taken the long journey from intuition to contemplation to understanding to leading. It takes work. It takes dialogue. It takes deep contemplation.
Then there’s the shorter path taken up by the loud minority. It is easier. It takes less work. And, an absence of dialogue allows it to survive. This journey goes from intuition to loudly leading.
To silence out the loud minority, we need more dialogue. We need more contemplative leaders. And to get more of these leaders, we need more people willing to take the long journey.
And, time is of the essence. Because the silent majority can be influenced. So, start a dialogue and begin the long journey.